Soft tissue healing outcomes in dentistry with acellular dermal collagen matrix
acellular dermal collagen matrix, soft tissue healing, soft tissue augmentation, soft tissue management, extraction socketAbstract
Background and objectives: The collagen matrices are widely used for regeneration procedures alone or in combination with other dental regeneration materials. The aim of this work was to evaluate the soft tissue healing with acellular dermal collagen matrix (ADCM) being used in various defects. Materials and Methods: The ADCM - mucoderm® was used in peri-implant soft tissue augmentation, hard and soft tissue management in immediate restoration and sealing of extraction socket. For that reason, five patients were retrospectively analysed. Results: The collagen matrix underwent active remodelling into new soft tissue and successful soft tissue healing was observed. Conclusion: The use of mucoderm® led to successful soft tissue treatment in various defects.
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